
Our aim has been to produce, for the first time, a fully illustrated guide to the vinyl records released by Status Quo. Complemented by promotional copies, test pressings and acetates, contemporary adverts and reviews (not always too kind) we aim to cover each variation of the discs and sleeves available. You may well have something to add - if so, please send us a scan. We welcome any additions and feedback via the new contact page.
See the credits and latest updates - January 07 2025 .

When we launched, our focus was on covering all UK releases - specifically vinyl singles. Since then, we have added the complete set of UK vinyl albums and - for collectors of other formats - a complete Worldwide guide to Quo CD singles and Cassette singles. Those were joined by other major sections:- US singles, albums & compilations plus Canadian singles, albums and compilations too.

Since then there have been more additions of vinyl singles sections - Germany (July 2021), France (October 2021), Belgium (November 2021), Netherlands (January 2022), Australia (March 2022), New Zealand (April 2022). Austria (May 2022), Italy (June 2022), Scandinavia (July 2022), Japan (October 2022), Ireland (December 2022), Spain (April 2023), Portugal (July 2023), Yugoslavia (also July 2023), Lebanon (December 2023) and Africa (also December 2023) which includes South Africa, Rhodesia and Zimbabwe. New sections in 2024 feature singles from Argentina (February 2024), Brazil (May 2024) and Mexico (July 2024).

The most recent updates revisit some albums - this time from Japan (October 2024) and November 2024 bought a new section on Japanese compilation albums to the site. January 2005 brings the vinyl singles from Greece.

There are plans to add more sections so enjoy the pages that are here, but check back regularly for updates or follow us on X (Twitter) to be notified of new content.

We are also proud to announce that we are hosting a static archive of Garry Fieldings ground breaking "Status Quo collectors page". Garry has taken the site down, but has kindly allowed us to preserve an archive for reference here.

Discographies - The Definitive Status Quo Vinyl Discographies