Discography Additions
As you can imagine, there have been a number of people who have offered help and extra information to make these pages as complete as possible. Any contributions are gratefully received, but Les and Matthew would like to give special thanks to these who have gone "above and beyond" with their time and assistance:-
Garry Fielding
David "Quotagious" Doy
Robert Gear
Andy Flemmings
Tony Jones
Jason Hodgson
Peter Martin
Kim Aakjær
David Taylor
John Dalton
Günter Röder
Jörg Günther
Dave Oxley
Philippe Duponteil
Damien McKay
Risto Pesu
Olle Östergård
Andy Poulter
David Johnson
Rob Mepham
+ Members of the "The Status Quo Vinyl Collectors Corner" Facebook Group [link]
Thanks also to the FTMO fanclub for featuring the site in their magazine.
Technical Credits
Les and Matthew run this site very much as a hobby for the benefit of other fans and we are not web designers. We have therefore borrowed inspiration from across the web and in some cases, built on freely available code and learnings that other have shared. We'd therefore also like to give those sites credit here.
CSS Menu System - https://codepen.io/fadzrinmadu/pen/bGqrJjB
Icons and Fonts - https://fontawesome.com/
Contacts Mail - https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer
CD Image Rotation code- https://codepen.io/desandro/pen/MGpMOV
Other Considerations
We have tried our best to make sure that the site functions well across a range of browser and mobile devices. However, if you spot any significant functionality issues then please let us know with as much detail as possible. We do suggest whitelisting our site if you are using any ad-blocker addins in Chrome or Edge - not least because we will not be spamming you with adverts! Some of the Ad-blockers (specifically one called "Stands") have been seen to cause issues on the pages where we have content (adverts, reviews etc) at the foot of the page. Whitelisting the site fixes those issues.